Sunday’s Suggestions: Great Books Like Where’s Wally?

As a massive fan of Where’s Wally, or Where’s Waldo for the Americans, I find it hard seeing all the blatant copycats of Martin Handford’s classic series of books. Books like Where’s the Meerkat, Where’s Bin Laden, and Where’s Mo, all seem to be cash ins on the popularity of Where’s Wally. However this does not mean that there aren’t books that are good for fans of Wally. This week I chosen some books that I feel any fan of Wally would enjoy.

 Where’s Stig

This book takes the popular cast of BBC’s Top Gear and puts them in search it book form. I really like the art style of this book as it is reminiscent of eBoy, who create pixel art towns and cities. The book is as controversial as the tv show it is based on with the book containing elements of some of the outlandish trips and challenges. Like Where’s Wally, you must find the main character, the Stig, as well as the rest of the cast. Also like Wally, it contains fun word play and jokes that are found throughout. Although not for children, Where’s Stig would be a good search it book that adults can enjoy. The book can be found here.

Where's Stig

Where’s Stig Scene of the Studio


I Spy Books

I Spy are are a series of books containing scenes of different objects that must be found. These objects are set up in a fun and interesting way. The pages of the book contain a riddle of what you can find; some of the riddles are easy, while some need logical thinking. They even made video games where you wander around a place solving mysteries. I think a Where’s Wally fan would enjoy these books because they contain a lot of colour and require the reader to find objects.

I Spy Book

Scene from an I Spy Book


The Look-alike books are so amazingly done, I defy anyone to look at them and not immediately take a second look to notice the detail. In these books every scene is made of household objects. All the scenes were built by Joan Steiner from everyday materials. At the back of the book you will see a list of every object used, but try to get as many items as you can before you peak. A Where’s Wally fan should enjoy finding each item, however small, in each scene. You can see a video about Joan and her work here, or you can buy her books here.

Look-alike General Store

Trumps General Store… Can you see the playing cards?

Bonus: Where’s Walle?
